Hotel laundries
General description
How can I make my in-house laundry more efficient?
How can I improve the way we handle linen from the outside laundry?
Whether you have an in-house hotel laundry or outsource linen management to an outside laundry, in this course, you'll learn to identify all the factors that play a part in laundry operations.
Learning goals
By the end of the course, you'll have gained knowledge of the basics and organizational guidelines to help you achieve more efficient laundry.
Course content
- Module 1: Factors in washing linen
- Module 2: Washing chemicals
- Module 4: Laundry equipment
- Module 5: Laundry: Organizing the physical space
- Module 6: Working Methods
- Module 7: Fabric technology I
Cleaning staff managers and those responsible for hotel linen.
Sign up
can now sign up for the course - use the following link
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact us